A place for inexpensive date ideas :)

Monthly Archives: January 2013

Our daughter will be ready to move from her crib to a big girl bed in a few months. It is an exciting time! We are trying to get ready with some “new” furniture for her room. First we headed on over to IKEA for an end table. They have these great little tables for only $10. We have a dresser from when my husband was a little boy. We decided to update it. So when we were at IKEA we look for new handles also. We’re still debating about whether or not we want to paint or refinish the dresser. We did find a couple of websites that would help if we do decide to paint. Here they are:

When Tyler suggested that we have a “Cookie Games” date I asked him what Cookie Games were. Before Tyler could even answer I told him, he had me at cookie. I love cookies! This date was right up my alley. Image

We started the evening by playing checkers. We used cookies as our checkers. It was so much fun! I don’t remember the last time I played checkers. Image

The second game we played was Othello. I had never played it before. It was fun to learn a new game. Our date was a fun twist on a game night 🙂

In my head the title was to the tune of the Snow song from “White Christmas.” We don’t know about you, but we’ve actually had some snow this year. We decided to go on a snow theme date. First we would like to introduce you to Phoebe and Bob. snowmen These are the snowmen we made. I’m not a huge fan of cold so we brought some snow inside to make our snowmen. We then decided to watch them melt. meltingsnowmen As you can see we weren’t very patient so we decided to speed things along. We got the idea from the following website http://handsonaswegrow.com/32-snow-snowflakes-snowmen-its-all-about-the-snow/ melted To end the evening we made some good old fashioned paper snow flakes that we are going to use to decorate our house with. Our date was a fun, warm way to enjoy the snow.

We don’t know about you, but after the holidays we had a lot of candy left over. This date was intended to get rid of some of that candy. Tyler made a memory game with different pictures of candy. If you got a match you got to eat the candy in the picture. We also played a bingo type game with dice and M&Ms. It was fun to play games and eat candy.suckers