A place for inexpensive date ideas :)

Monthly Archives: March 2013

Last Friday we made oreo brownies. They were easy to make and delicious. You can find the recipe here http://picky-palate.com/2011/07/05/gooey-cookies-and-cream-double-chocolate-cake-bars/ While we snacked on our treats we wrote down some stories about Tyler’s dad. Ned, Tyler’s dad, was a great story teller and always had a us laughing with the stories he would tell. It was good for us to reminisce about the great times that we’ve had with Tyler’s dad. We love Ned!! wedding_JDA_0128

This week it was Tyler’s turn for a date. During the day I called Tyler at work. He picked up on the fact that I was not having the greatest day ever. Ty is such a sweetie and brought me flowers. After putting our little girl to bed we started our date that he termed a “pamper Heather date.” It was just what I needed. We started our date by slow dancing and reminiscing. After that we watched one of my all time favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice. Tyler had never seen it and told me that he had never had a desire to see it (what a good guy). During the movie Tyler gave me a massage and we snacked on some of my favorite Easter candy that Tyler picked up on the way home. I know this date may not seem creative or new, but it was exactly what I needed after a rough day!