A place for inexpensive date ideas :)

Monthly Archives: September 2012

We decided to get a taste of Halloween and use our creative juices. We spent the evening building haunted houses out of Legos. It was fun to revert back to our childhood. You can see pictures of our houses below. Happy dating!

Every now and then, you need a time to relax. That was the premise of this date. We had a spa night where the goal was to pamper ourselves 🙂

We started by putting on cucumber face masks and having chocolate fondue. After which we gave ourselves foot scrubs with homemade chocolate foot scrub and then gave each other massages while listening to soft music. Needless to say, it was a very relaxing night. 🙂

So we haven’t really been on hiatus. We’ve still been dating. We’ve just been going to a lot of free events in our community. Some of the events we planned on going to were international days and the blue moon festival. This weekend we’re off to peach days. We suggest you search for free events in your area. It’s amazing what you will find.